Creating Spaces in Your Home Using Accordion Doors From Portland Stores

by | Jan 7, 2020 | Door Supplier

Whether you want to divide a large room into separate spaces or you want to block off two separate rooms, an accordion door is an option to consider. Even though they usually aren’t used for entry spaces, they can be an option for the area between a deck and an interior room so that you don’t have to always keep a sliding door closed. Here are a few ideas to consider when you’re using accordion sliding doors in your home.

Perhaps the easiest way to use this type of door is as a divider. You can hang the door in an office to create separate work spaces. Another option would be to hang the door in an area of your home to keep the main rooms separate from others, such as a living room and kitchen separated from the bedrooms.

Covering Closets
If you don’t want other people to see your closet spaces or you don’t like looking at your closets, then accordion sliding doors can be used to hide all of the mess. When you need to get something out of the closet, then you can simply slide the door open. Since there are various shades of these doors available, you can usually find a color that blends well with the interior design of the room.

If you live in a small home, such as an apartment, then you might not have all of the bedroom space that you need for the https://homeremodellingonline.comumber of people who live there. An option is to put a sliding door in a large bedroom to create two smaller sleeping areas.

Contact Accordion Door Store at for more ideas about how to use these doors in your home.

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